
Know thyself, for this is the sole purpose of life. 

Knowing and accepting all of which makes up your individual soul the journey. LOVE your light, LOVE your shadow, LOVE your pain, LOVE your joy

There is no greater gift to humanity than self-love.  Imagine a world where everyone nourished and healed their inner wounds, coming forward as stronger more complete beings filled with love.  Holy Shit, that’s my kind of place.


Valentine’s Day is loaded with all sorts of shadow, shoulds, and shame.  I used to hate this holiday because I viewed as corporate consumerism ideology. BUT…then I realized that I love, LOVE.  I want nothing more than to promote love for every being and especially self-love at the core of our universe.   So, FUCK the Hallmark Valentine’s Day.  Make it your day. The day you promote love and share love. Make this day the day you start your journey to explore YOU.  The day to look in the mirror and say, I love you.

Love is life force energy that starts with you, and this is your greatest contribution to humanity and to Mama Gaia.

 Love yourself.

You are a divine feminine goddess.


Shine bright and shine on, 



February 11, 2022 — Tiffany Bausch Weld